Quarto reporting

You can install Quarto for a single user on Linux by using the Quarto tarball and following the below set of steps. First login to the cluster and download the tarball:

wget https://github.com/quarto-dev/quarto-cli/releases/download/v1.4.547/quarto-1.4.547-linux-amd64.tar.gz

Then extract the contents of the tarball to the location where you typically install software. Like:

mkdir ~/opt
tar -C ~/opt -xvzf quarto-1.4.547-linux-amd64.tar.gz

Create a symlink to bin/quarto in a folder that is in your path. If there is no such folder, you can create a folder such as ~/bin and place the symlink there. For example:

mkdir ~/bin
ln -s ~/opt/quarto-1.4.547/bin/quarto ~/bin/quarto

Either add Add folder with quarto to the list of folders where linux searches for executables:

( echo ""; echo 'export PATH=$PATH:~/bin\n' ; echo "" ) >> ~/.profile
source ~/.profile

Check The Installation

Use quarto check to confirm that the installation is successful:

quarto check

Render your content

Go to the root of your repository (_where the _quarto.yml file is). Acitvate your conda environment and run this command to execute and render your content as html pages.

quarto render --execute

One-time publish setup

The way your repository is set up, GitHub will automatically render (but not execute) and publish your content every time you push changes. But you need to run the command below once to allow quarto to do some initial setup and configuration.

quarto publish gh-pages

Quarto in JupyterLab
