Danish weather

Import some plotting libraries and set some defaults:

import sys
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from IPython.display import display, Markdown
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

import random
random_seed = 5

from global_params import load_params

Producing figures in svg format (scalable vector graphics) makes for sharp plots on webpages. However, if you make plots with thousands of observations you should set this to 'png' instead:

%config InlineBackend.figure_formats = ['svg'] 

Some values apply globally to your analysis. E.g., sample sizes, cutoffs, names, rates, etc. Keeping those in a a yml file like weather_params.yml and loading them in each notebook avoids the risk of manually adding/updating them in each notebook where they are used. You can use the load_globals function imported above from global_params.py to produce an object holding all the global values:

params = load_params('../weather_params.yml')
{'nr_project_days': 150}

Here is some computation:

nr_project_days = 150
df = pd.DataFrame({'day': list(range(nr_project_days)), 
              'wind': [random.random()+1 for i in range(nr_project_days)], 
              'precipitation': [random.random()+1 for i in range(nr_project_days)]})
day wind precipitation
0 0 1.013950 1.900108
1 1 1.433512 1.612078
2 2 1.465184 1.844704
3 3 1.438446 1.120334
4 4 1.052238 1.491236
... ... ... ...
145 145 1.071599 1.038249
146 146 1.884493 1.853783
147 147 1.743312 1.075927
148 148 1.794445 1.605397
149 149 1.266453 1.681632

150 rows × 3 columns

Weather data

Weather data was collected… blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah

long_format = df.melt(id_vars=['day'], value_vars=['wind', 'precipitation'], var_name='weather', value_name='value')
day weather value
0 0 wind 1.013950
1 1 wind 1.433512
2 2 wind 1.465184
3 3 wind 1.438446
4 4 wind 1.052238
... ... ... ...
295 145 precipitation 1.038249
296 146 precipitation 1.853783
297 147 precipitation 1.075927
298 148 precipitation 1.605397
299 149 precipitation 1.681632

300 rows × 3 columns

sns.lineplot(data=long_format, x='day', y='value', hue='weather')
plt.ylim(bottom=0) ;
Figure 2.1: Danish weather: This is the weather forcast for your project

From this plot, it seems Danish weather is quite unpredictable.