9  Organizing code

This chapter is about organizing your code into chunks that you can call upon to perform well-defined tasks in your program.


Buckle down for the most powerful and useful thing in programming. Functions! Functions serve as mini-programs that perform small, well-defined tasks in your program.

I have started to write a song about functions:

print("Functions are super, Functions are cool")
print("When writing a program they are a great tool")
print("La la dim du da da di")
print("Skubi dubi dumdi di")
print("Bing di dubi dum da di")

print("Functions are used to package some code")
print("They are not so strange that your head will explode")
print("La la dim du da da di")
print("Skubi dubi dumdi di")
print("Bing di dubi dum da di")

I will add many more verses, and I do not want to write the entire chorus every time. So what would be more natural than to make a function named chorus that takes care of that for us? That way, we can write our song the way lyrics with a chorus are usually written:

def chorus():
    line1 = "La la dim du da da di"
    line2 = "Skubi dubi dumdi di"
    line3 = "Bing di dubi dum da di"
    return line1 + '\n' + line2 + '\n' + line3

print("Functions are super, Functions are cool")
print("When writing a program they are a great tool")
print( chorus() )

print("Functions are useful to wrap up some code")
print("They are not so strange that your head will explode")
print( chorus() )

First, let us break down the function definition in the top part of this code:

  1. We define a function with the def keyword (which is short for “define” in case you wonder).
  2. After def, we write the function chorus. We could name it something else, but like good variable names, good function names can help you remember what your code does.
  3. After the name, you put two parentheses, ().
  4. Then a colon, :.
  5. The statements that are part of the function are nested under the def statement and are indented with four spaces exactly like we do under if-statements.
  6. The return statement ends the function. After the return keyword, the expression reduces to a value that the function returns.

When Python runs this code, each line is executed one by one, starting from the first line (remember oath two?). So, in this case, python first executes the definition of the chorus function. The only thing that happened after Python had executed the first five lines of code was that it assigned the name chorus to the four indented statements. So Python now “knows” about the chorus function (like it “knows” about a variable x after we do x = 4).

To use the function, we “call” it by writing its name followed by parentheses: chorus(). When it comes to functions, “use”, “call” and “run” means the same thing. As you can see, we call the function twice in the rest of the code. Each time we do, the following happens:

  1. When a function is called, each statement in the definition is executed one after the other. If you look at the function definition, you can see that our chorus function has four statements.
  2. The first statement assigns a string value to the line1 variable.
  3. The second statement assigns a string value to the line2 variable.
  4. The third statement assigns a string value to the line3 variable.
  5. The fourth statement is a return statement. The expression after the return keyword in the final statement is reduced to a value, and this value is substituted for the function call. In this case, that value is the following string:
"La la dim du da da di\nSkubi dubi dumdi di\nBing di dubi dum da di"

So, the key properties of functions are:

  • A function names a piece of code (some statements) just like variables name values like strings and numbers.
  • We call a function by writing the function name followed by parentheses: chorus(). Just writing the function name will not call the function.
  • When a function is called, it is substituted by the value that the function returns – exactly like a variable in an expression is substituted by its value. It is crucial that you remember this.

Exercise 9-1

Now that we have a chorus function, that part is out of the way, and we can concentrate on our song without worrying about remembering how many “la la”s it has and so on. Try to change the “lyrics” in the chorus a little bit. Notice how you only need to make the change in one place to change all the choruses in the song – cool, right? Without the function, you would have to rely on correctly changing the code in many different places.

Exercise 9-2

Try to delete the return statement in the chorus function (the last line in the function) and run the code again. You should see something like this:

Functions are super, Functions are cool
When writing a program they are a great tool
Functions are used to wrap up some code
They are not so strange that your head will explode

The function call (chorus()) is now substituted with None. How can that be when we did not return anything? The reason is that when you do not specify a return statement, the function returns None by default. This is to honour the rule that variables and a function calls are substituted by a value, and None is simply the value that Python uses to represent “nothing”. None is a value denoting the lack of value. As you just saw, it represents that no value is returned from a function. It can also be assigned to a variable as a placeholder value until another value is assigned:

x = None
x = 4

Also, None is considered false in a logical context:

print(not None)

Exercise 9-3

Try this variant to the chorus function. Go through the code slowly and repeat all the steps to break down what happens when a function is called. Remember also to do each substitution and reduction carefully.

def chorus():
    line1 = 'La la'
    line2 = 'Du bi du'
    return line1 + '\n' + line2

Do the same for this variant:

def chorus():
    line1 = 'La la'
    line2 = 'Du bi du'
    chrous_text = line1 + '\n' + line2
    return chrorus_text

and for this variant:

def chorus():
    return "La la\nDu bi du"

Exercise 9-4

What do you think happens if you move the definition of chorus to the bottom of your file? Decide what you think will happen and why (maybe you remember what happens when you try to use a variable in an expression before defining it?). Then try it out.

print("Functions are super, Functions are cool")
print("When writing a program they are a great tool")
print( chorus() )

print("Functions are useful to wrap up some code")
print("They are not so strange that your head will explode")
print( chorus() )

def chorus():
    line1 = "La la dim du da da di"
    line2 = "Skubi dubi dumdi di"
    line3 = "Bing di dubi dum da di"
    return line1 + '\n' + line2 + '\n' + line3

Ensure you understand how the error you get relates to how Python runs your script (remember oath two?). If you still need help understanding, do the next exercise and then return to this one.

Exercise 9-5

Which error do you get here, and why? How is that similar to the error in the previous exercise?

x = 7

Exercise 9-6

Consider the code below. Do all the substitution and reduction steps in your head. Remember that each function call is substituted by the value that the function returns. Then run it.

def lucky_number():
    return 7

x = lucky_number()
y = lucky_number()
twice_as_lucky = x + y

Now, change the code to that below. The code makes the same computation but in fewer steps. Do all the substitution and reduction steps.

def lucky_number():
    return 7

twice_as_lucky = lucky_number() + lucky_number()

Now, change the code to the one below. The code makes the exact computation but in fewer steps. Do all the substitution and reduction steps.

def lucky_number():
    return 7

print(lucky_number() + lucky_number())

Functions can take arguments

The functions we have written so far are not very flexible because they return the same thing every time they are called. Now write and run this beauty:

def square(number):
    squared_number = number**2
    return squared_number 

result = square(3)

Notice how we put a variable (number) between parentheses in the function definition. This variable is assigned the value we put between the parentheses (3) when we call the function. So when we call like that (square(3)), Python automatically makes the assignment number = 3.

Here is another example:

def divide(numerator, denominator):
    result = numerator / denominator 
    return result

division_result = divide(44, 77)

When the function call divide(44, 77), these two things implicitly happen: numerator = 44 and denominator = 77.

Take note of the following three important points: 1. The values that we pass to the function in the function call (like 3, 44, and 77) are called arguments. It is crucial to remember that it is values and not variables that are passed to functions. 2. The variables in the definition line of a function, like number, numerator and denominator, are called parameters. They hold the values passed to the function when it is called (the arguments). 3. You can define functions with any number of parameters if you use the same number of arguments when you call the function.

Exercise 9-7

Try to call your divide function like this divide(77, 44). What does it return, and what do you learn from it? Does the order of arguments and parameters correspond?

Exercise 9-8

Try to call your divide function like this divide(44). Do you get an error, and what do you learn from that?

Exercise 9-9

Try to call your divide function like this divide(44, 77, 33). Do you get a different error message, and what do you learn from that?

Exercise 9-10

Read this code and do all substitution and reduction steps from beginning to end.

def square(x):
    return x ** 2

result = square(9) + square(5)
print("The result is:", result)

Now replace the line return x ** 2 with print(x ** 2). What is printed now and why?

Exercise 9-11

As described above, a return statement ends the function by producing the value that replaces the function call. If a function has more than one return statement, then the function ends when the first one is executed.

def assess_number(x):
    if x < 3:
        return 'quite a few'
    if x < 100:
        return 'a lot'
    return 'a whole lot'

nr_apples = 2
print(nr_apples, "apples is", assess_number(nr_apples))

What happens when x is 2, 3, 50, 200? Think about it first.

Functions and variables

A function call is the temporary little world that only exists when the function is called and until it returns its value. It did not exist before the function was called, and it does not exist after the function returns its value. By necessity, the variables defined in your function are also temporary.

This means variables defined inside a function are private to each function call. It also means that variables defined inside functions are unavailable to code outside the function. Running the following example should help you understand this:

def make_greeting():
    greeting = 'Guten tag'
    name = 'Heinz' 
    message = greeting + " " + name
    return message

greeting = 'Buongiorno'
name = 'Giovanni'
print( make_greeting() )
print(greeting + " " + name)

Notice how Heinz and Giovanni are greeted in their native languages. This means that the variable definitions inside the function do not overwrite the Italian versions already defined outside the function. This is because the variables defined in the function are temporary and private to the function, even if they have the same names as variables outside the function. This is why the function call make_greeting() in the print statement does not change the variables’ values printed in the last line.

Now try to “comment out” the line greeting = 'Guten tag' and run the example again. All of a sudden, Heinz is greeted in Italian! The reason is that now Python cannot find a definition of greeting inside the function. It then looks outside the function for a definition and finds the Italian version.

Now try to “comment out” the line greeting = 'Buongiorno' and run the example again. You get an error, but which one? Python complains that it cannot find a definition of greeting. The reason is that once the last print statement is executed, the small world of the function call in the previous line no longer exists.

You should learn two rules from the above example:

  1. All variables you define inside a function are private to the function. If a variable in a function has the same name as a variable in the main script (like greeting above), then these are two separate variables that just happen to have the same name.
  2. When you use a variable like greeting in the function (E.g., message = greeting + " " + name), Python checks if the variables have been defined in the function. If that is not the case, then it will look for it outside the function. In the above example, name is found in the function, and greeting is found outside the function. It is good practice to make your functions “self-contained” in the sense that Python should not have to look outside the function for variables.

Exercise 9-12

Try this version of the example above. Now, name is defined as a function parameter, but it is still a function variable, just like greeting.

def make_greeting(name):
    greeting = "Guten tag"
    message = greeting + " " + name
    return message

greeting = 'Buongiorno'
name = 'Giovanni'
print( make_greeting("Heinz") )
print(greeting + " " + name)

Exercise 9-13

Consider the following example:

def double(z):
    return z * 2
x = 7
result = double(x)

When the function is called (double(x)), the x is substituted by its value 7. That value is passed as the argument and assigned to the function parameter z (z = 7). z is a private function variable and does not exist before or after the function call. Does this change in any way if we use the variable name x instead of z, as shown below?

def double(x):
    return x * 2
x = 7
result = double(x)

Do all substations and reductions for each line of code from top to bottom. Keep the sequence of events in mind and remember that a function definition is merely a template describing a mini-world that is created anew every time the function is called.

Builtin functions

So far we have only talked about functions you write yourself, but Python also has built-in functions that are already available to you. They work just like a function you would write yourself. You already know the print function quite well; that is an example of a function that prints something but returns None. There are many other useful built-in functions, but I will tell you about another two: len and type.

Exercise 9-14

Try these examples:

x = 'Banana'
print("The value of variable x is of type", type(x))
print("The value of variable x has length", len(x))

As you can see, type returns the type of the value passed as the argument, and len returns the length of the value passed as the argument. The type function is handy if you wonder what type a value has, but it is not a function we will use in this course. The len function, however, is your new best friend. You will see why soon enough.

Exercise 9-15

Try to change the value of the x in Section to an integer or a float and see what happens when you run it. Do you get an error? Does it make sense that not all types of values can meaningfully be said to have a length?

Exercise 9-16

What happens if you pass an empty string ("") as the argument to the len function?

Exercise 9-17

What is printed here? Think about it first, and then try it out. Remember to do the substitution and reduction steps.

return_value = print("Hello world")

Exercise 9-18

What is printed here? Think about it firs,t and then try it out. Remember to do the substitution and reduction steps.

print(print("Hello world"))

General exercises

The following exercises treat the areas we have worked on in this and previous chapters. They are meant to train your familiarity with if-statements and functions. Remember that the purpose of the exercises is not to answer the questions but to train the chain of thought that allows you to answer them. Play around with the code for each example and see what happens if you change it a bit.

Exercise 9-19

Consider this function definition that takes a single number as the argument:

def square(n):
    return n**2

What does it do? What does it return? What number does square(2) then represent?

Below, I have used it in some printed expressions. Make sure you understand what each expression evaluates to. Make the explicit substitutions and reductions on paper before you run it. Remember that we substitute a function call (like square(2)) for the value it returns, just like a variable x substitutes for the value it points to.

print(square(2 + 1))
print(square(2) * 2 + square(3))
print(square(2 * square(1) + 2))

Exercise 9-20

What does this function do? How many parameters does it have? How many statements does the function have? What does the function print? Which value does it return?

def power(a, b):
    print("This function computes {}**{}".format(a, b))
    return a**b

print(power(4, 2))

Try (possibly strange) variations of the code like the ones below better to understand the contribution of each line of code. What is the difference between return and print? What happens when Python gets to a return statement in a function? What happens when the function does not have a return statement?

Variation 1:

def power(a, b):
    print("This computes", a, "to the power of", b)

result = power(4, 2)

Variation 2:

def power(a, b):
    print("This computes", a, "to the power of", b)
    return a**b

result = power(4, 2)

Variation 3:

def power(a, b):
    print("This computes", a, "to the power of", b)

print(power(4, 2))

Variation 4:

def power(a, b):
    return a**b
    print("This computes", a, "to the power of", b)

print(power(4, 2))

Exercise 9-21

Define a function called diff, with two parameters, x and y. The function must return the difference between the values of x and y.

def diff(x, y):

diff(8, 2) # should return 6
diff(-1, 2) # should return -3

Save the value returned from the function in a variable. Then, test if the function works correctly by comparing the result to what you know is the true difference (using ==).

Exercise 9-22

Define a function called all_equal that takes five arguments and returns True if all five arguments have the same value and False otherwise. The function should work with any input, for example:

all_equal("Can", "Can", "Can", "Can", "Can")
all_equal(0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
all_equal(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
all_equal(True, True, True, True, True)

Hint: You test equality with a == b. Now, think back to what you learned about logic. Which operator can you use to test if a == b and b == c?

Exercise 9-23

Define a function called is_even, which takes one argument and returns True if (and only if) this is an even number and False otherwise (remember the modulo operator?).

is_even(8) # should return True
is_even(3) # should return False

Exercise 9-24

Define a function called is_odd, which takes one argument and returns True if (and only if) the argument is an odd number and False otherwise.

is_odd(8) # should return False
is_odd(3) # should return True

Can you complete this exercise using the is_even you defined in Section How? Why is that a good idea?

Exercise 9-25

Here is a function that should return True if given an uppercase (English) vowel and False otherwise:

def is_uppercase_vowel(c):
    c == 'A' or c == 'E' or c == I or c == 'O' or c == 'U'
char = 'A' 
if is_uppercase_vowel(char):
    print(char, "is an uppercase vowel")
    print(char, "is NOT an uppercase vowel")

Now you can just type the code exactly as shown and run it. Do you get what you expect? Does the code work? If not, try to figure out why. Try to print the value that the function returns. Do you know if that gives you any hints about the cause of the problem?

Exercise 9-26

Define a function called is_nucleotide_symbol, which takes one argument and returns True if this is either A, C, G, T, a, c, g or t, and False in any other case.

Name your parameter something sensible like symbol.

is_nucleotide_symbol("A") # should return True
is_nucleotide_symbol("B") # should return False
is_nucleotide_symbol("Mogens") # should return False
is_nucleotide_symbol("") # should return False

Exercise 9-27

Define a function called is_base_pair which takes two parameters, base1, base2, and returns True if base2 is the complementary of base1, and False otherwise.

is_base_pair("A", "G") # should return False
is_base_pair("A", "T") # should return True
is_base_pair("T", "A") # should return True
is_base_pair("Preben", "A") # should return False

Exercise 9-28

Did you find the bug in Section You were supposed to find that the function did not have a return value. This makes the function return None by default. Do you think the None value is considered true or false in an if-statement?

Exercise 9-29

Define a function called celcius2fahrenheit that converts from celsius to Fahrenheit. You can do this because you know the linear relationship between the two. On Figure 9.1 you can see that the slope is 9 / 5 and the intercept is 32. The function should have one parameter celsius. Inside the function, you should define the variables slope and intercept and give them the appropriate values. Then you can calculate the conversion to Celcius using these variables and return the result.

Figure 9.1: Temperature conversion

Exercise 9-30

Try to change your conversion function so it takes three arguments, corresponding to celsius, slope and intercept so you can call it like this to convert 27 degrees celsius: conversion(37, 9 / 5, 32). Now you have a function that can do any linear conversion that you can put inside another function like this:

def celcius2fahrenheit(celsius):
    return conversion(celsius, 9 / 5, 32)

Exercise 9-31

Now try to extend this to a different problem: It has been found that the height and weight of a person are related by a linear equation with slope = 0.55 and intercept = -25. Define a function called predict_weight which takes just one argument, the height of a person, and returns the estimated weight of the person.

Exercise 9-32

By now you know that some of the words in your code have specific purposes. def defines functions, return returns value from a function, and is a logical operator etc. Here is a list of the ones you will see in this course: and, assert, break, continue def, del, elif, else, False, for, from, if, import, in, is, not, or, pass, return, while, True, None (you can see a full list here)

These words are reserved for their special purposes in Python and you will not be allowed to assign values to them. Try this to see for yourself:

None = 4

or this:

and = 2

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can function names be anything?
A: Just about. The rules that apply to variable names also apply to function names. Good function names are lower case with underscores (_) to separate words, like in the examples above.